Author Spotlight Reminder


Hey. You. Have you written a novel? Aspire to? Maybe you’ve written a short story or two? Are you challenging yourself to write something this year? You’re in luck because you want to feature YOU in our newsletter.

Don’t believe me? Here’s our owner and co-founder, Jessie, explaining it in her own words:


Are you a writer in search of an audience? We want to feature YOU in our newsletter. #moxiepress #momentofmoxie #authorspotlight #authorto... See more

We’re taking 2,000-word max submissions from writers of all backgrounds, seasoned or new to the scene. If you align with Moxie’s values, have something to say, and want to use our platform to say it, submit your work, and we’ll review it.

One lucky submission will be chosen to go out in the last newsletter of the month, starting with our February 26th edition. This month’s deadline is February 16th (1 week away), but don’t worry; if you’re not chosen this month, you’ll still be considered for future months.

Submit now! The next Moxie Press Author Spotlight could be on YOU.

Moxie Press