Ever wanted to read War & Peace?

Have you ever wanted to read War & Peace?

What about Pride & Prejudice? Or, are you an entrepreneur and you’ve always wanted to sit down and actually check out The Art of War or Think & Grow Rich?

If the answer to any of the above is “Yes,” then you need to subscribe to our sister newsletter, Collected Works.

This isn’t an ad, by the way. We’ve actually added a brand to the Moxie Press ecosystem and it’s very exciting.

What’s Collected Works?

Collected Works is an experiment in reading: Classic works of literature rolled out piece by piece daily to your inbox. Just sign up for a book and start that day! Before you know it, you’ll have read War & Peace without any of the pressure of staring at a giant volume of books that you need to finish. It’s almost like reading through osmosis — just 5-10 minutes a day.

Collected Works is growing every week, with new books added often. And best of all: It’s free, all you need to do is click their ads to support them (either in their books or in their weekly newsletter.

What else can you expect?

First and foremost, in the near future: Original and experimental literature. They are also planning to add a community feature (Discord? Facebook Group? It’s still TBD) as well as things like fun swag, choose-your-own-adventure email journeys, and more. That’s why you need to join — like Moxie Press, it’s actually something fun and original and useful!

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