Free Excerpt - REMINDER 1


It’s time for your long-awaited excerpt of Silly American, our upcoming book of 76 essays on life in the U.S.A.

But how do you claim it?

First off, you click here:

Then, you add the free excerpt to your cart (don’t worry, it’s 100% free). Once you check out, you’ll see a link on the right side of your computer (or just right in front of your face on your phone) to download it. It’ll look something like this:

Click “Download,” by the way.

Now that you’ve read it…

We assume you’ve read it already because you were so excited to get started; all we ask is that you take this survey because we’d love your feedback and crave your approval.

Thank you.

On behalf of Silly Americans everywhere, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Moxie Press