Update: Giving Tuesday, 11/28/2023

Protest with your wallet.

You might be wondering why, during the biggest sales week of the year, we went radio silent. As some of you who have followed us on TikTok might know, we’ve disabled purchasing on our website since last Thursday in solidarity with Black Friday Blackout.

However, since tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, we’re coming back fully operational, and as part of our ethos, we are giving back.

From now until the end of the year, we will donate $1 of every purchase from our site to the UNRWA, a non-profit dedicated to providing aid—from healthcare to emergency aid and beyond—to Palestinians unfairly affected by the conflict with Israel.

What can you buy?

Although we are shifting our focus to more progressive content, we have things we’ve poured our hearts into that we’ve already made available in our store (starting tomorrow, of course).

ATLAS PERSONALITY — A memoir by Moxie Press co-founder Andrew Dodson about the year in which he and his wife welcomed their first child, lost his mom to congestive heart failure, “lost” his dad because the FBI arrested him, and slowly entered a pandemic.

HOW DO I PLAY WITH MY KID? — Ever since a little cartoon featuring a family of blue heelers who do nothing but play took the world by storm, all our kids want to do is play games, so Jessie Dodson, owner, and co-founder of Moxie Press—using her acting and improv background—wrote a PDF on how to play with your kids using improv magic.

JUST WRITE YOUR DAMN BOOK ALREADY — When Andrew wrote Atlas Personality, he had never written a book before. He primarily wrote plays. So, using his background in playwriting and acting, as well as exhaustive research, he came up with a fool-proof method for outlining, planning, and even writing an entire novel—this workbook, Just Write Your Damn Book Already!

Thank you.

We hope you’ll help us bring a little more good into the world.

Moxie Press