July '24 Author Spotlight Reminder

Friendly Reminder

If you haven’t listened to our latest episode with indie fantasy author S. Nicole (A/K/A Shariah Brown), do it now.

And if you haven’t read her excerpt from our July Author Spotlight:

After the following ad, we have a quick question for you…

Today’s Newsletter is Brought to You by Another Newsletter:

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The Town CrierSatire for all. For those looking to see politics, business, sports, art, and science a little differently.

Okay, now for that question…

Are You or Someone You Know an Indie Writer?

Do you know an indie writer who shares our values and wants the chance to be featured in one of our Author Spotlights? Are you an indie writer who shares our values?

Our monthly author spotlights are (as you know) featured in our newsletter and on social media. Plus, they’re invited to be a guest on our podcast.

Forward this email to your writer friends, or if you’re looking to submit it yourself, use this link.

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Moxie Press does not own the work showcased in our monthly author spotlights, nor does Moxie Press make any commission on the sale of the author’s work. All works are the sole property of their authors.