Premium Ghostwriter Academy

You want to do this full-time, don’t you?

Dave understands

So do we, but it’s hard. Today, we wanted to share that struggle.

We thought we could sell books, and they’d fly off the shelves. How foolish we are. Then we diversified and started running ads and focusing on email, which helped, but we might need to do more. But that’s our point.

Whether you’re an indie writer or a small business owner, just doing one thing doesn’t cut it anymore—at least not in the United States. It’s hard and frustrating, but a lot of us are right there with you.

Sometimes, you just have to hustle a bit until everything comes together and creates different streams of income, but you still have time to write, raise kids, have a little bit of a life, and maybe, just maybe… sleep a little.

You could always try ghostwriting. Want to learn how?

ATTENTION: Writers making less than $5,000 per month:

Are you ready to…

✅ Find your own lucrative niche as a ghostwriter?
✅ Craft an irresistible offer (and charge premium prices)?
✅ Land high-ticket clients with a proven outreach strategy?

Then this FREE, 5-day email course on Premium Ghostwriting is for you.

Our point is: This is a difficult part of the journey for all of us, but if we love what we’re doing, we just have to stick it out, and the harder we work, the higher the chance there will be a life of independence and creative on the other end of the tunnel. Take the luck where you can, take every opportunity, sleep a little bit less, just for now.

It’ll be worth it soon enough.

Moxie Press

Check out the Moxie Press Author Spotlight Archives — a collection of fiction and non-fiction short stories, excerpts, and poetry from a diverse range of authors with progressive voices.

Want to submit your work for October’s Author Spotlight?