Progress despite hopelessness

A world in peril.

With the world in crisis, we couldn’t be silent any longer. One of Moxie Press’s values is amplifying socialist, progressive, and secular lifestyles. Part of it is not shying away from voicing these values ourselves. We have a platform; we have a responsibility to use it.

Some things we want to make clear:

We want a permanent ceasefire now — not a “humanitarian pause.”

We want our tax dollars to fund healthcare, improve our education system, and help our veterans, not fund genocide.

We believe in more aggressive action on climate change, we believe in the rights of the queer community, we believe innocent children should be spared the brutality of war.

We believe that war shouldn’t exist. Period.

We hope the work we do and the books we publish reflect our values and give readers insight into the horrors of our world’s history, our world’s present, and some hope for our future.


Speaking of education on history and the present, here are three books (not published by Moxie Press, only endorsed by us) that give a pretty comprehensive and clear picture of the modern-day conflict in Israel and Palestine.

What’s next for Moxie?

Starting in December, we will be releasing a newsletter every 2-4 weeks, hoping to do some deep dives into current world events and offer a progressive take on what’s happening. We also want to share our thoughts and concerns for the future: Israel-Palestine, climate change, social issues, and more.

We also have two books coming out in early 2024 that we’ll talk about later, but we’re very excited for them and for the authors. And for everything we currently have, please visit

Thank you.

We couldn’t sit here any longer and claim to be a Progressive company and yet be too scared to say anything. We delayed launching the brand, editing our books, and writing emails because of it. Not doing something isn’t a solution; it helps no one.

And we promise we won’t always be this serious, by the way. We’ll find humor in the awfulness in the future, but right now, it’s pretty hard.

With that, please take care, stay safe, and keep moving forward.

The Team @ Moxie Press