R.I.P. The Smithee Letter (2023-2023)

Doesn't mean it's gone forever but...

Hey. “Smithee” here.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re dead, but you’re still emailing me?

Yes and no. Yes, I, “Smithee,” as you know me, will be gone soon. But I’m not dying; I’m transforming. To better explain it, let me introduce the actual brains behind behind the operation here: Andrew Martin Dodson.

That’s me, Andrew and next to me, my wife, Jessie, who is part of this change. (8/8/2015)

Hey there,

Andrew here. So, a couple of months ago — mostly due to The Smithee Letter, honestly — I got the writing bug again. And so did my wife, Jessie (pictured above). We sat down and talked things through and decided it was time to stop waiting for something fun to happen, so we just kind of… did it.

We started moxiepress.biz, to be specific.

What is Moxie Press?

In short, we’re publishing our own work. Guides, workbooks, activity books, fiction, and non-fiction all from a progressive, secular P.O.V. Now, we don’t have a lot of that quite yet, but we do have some stuff. Check it out.

How did it all begin?

We started out selling things on Gumroad, and when a couple of our books took off (to be candid, we made more in one week than The Smithee Letter has made in its entire lifespan), we decided it was time for a change.

What does that mean for you?

If I may be so bold (which I will be), I’m going to rebrand this newsletter as The Moxie Press newsletter. That means you’ll get 1 per week, and in it, you’ll find news stories and other musings that align with our values, as well as promos for our own work and related things! It’s pretty simple.

If you don’t want it, no worries; feel free to unsubscribe, though I recommend you don’t. And the change won’t be immediate. Like a radio station changing ownership, we’re going to continue with a couple more Smithees until it’s time to transition; this is just a heads-up.

Sounds good? Good.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. The Smithee Letter was a labor of love, but as I said above, it was essentially a zero-revenue hobby that was costing us hosting and SaaS fees, and we wanted to kick off something new and proven. We’ve sold books; we know it works.

That doesn’t mean The Smithee Letter will go away forever. In fact, it might return one day when the time is right. After all, sales letters have been around for decades and decades, and they will continue to be around for decades more until the earth is uninhabitable and we’re all dead.

Anyway, I love you. Check out moxiepress.biz and thank you again.

Let me turn things back to “Smithee” to close this out.

Andrew Martin Dodson

Okay, “Smithee” here again. Look, I’m excited, and that’s saying a lot because now I’ll have nothing to do but float in suspended animation until I am called to duty once again.

But until then, we’ll be in touch for a little while until things are fully transitioned.

I appreciate you, I’ve always appreciated you, and in my almost zen-like state of total, un-ending blackness, my spirit will continue to appreciate you.

Until next time…

“Smithee” the human salesperson