Storytelling and Voting

Storytelling & our civic duty.

In case you haven’t noticed, tonight is the last night of a historic Democratic National Convention. Whether you agree with their politics or not (and yes, we mostly do), one idea came to mind…

In every election cycle, stories play a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and inspiring civic engagement. Whether through novels, essays, or social media posts, the narratives we encounter influence how we see the world and, ultimately, how we vote. For indie authors, especially those with progressive voices, this presents a unique opportunity. Through their stories, they can highlight the struggles and triumphs of everyday people, bringing to life the issues that voters care about most—social justice, equality, and the fight for a better, more inclusive future.

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Whether it's a dystopian novel warning of the dangers of authoritarianism or a memoir chronicling the fight for civil rights, these narratives have the power to move hearts and minds, fostering a more informed and engaged electorate. Storytelling has always been at the heart of democracy. It's how we share our experiences, challenge the status quo, and envision a better future.

As we head into this election season, which has technically begun (though it really begins tonight as Kamala Harris officially accepts her party’s nomination for President), the voices of indie authors are more important than ever. They remind us that every vote is a story waiting to be told, and every story has the power to make a difference.

As you prepare to cast your vote, remember the significance of your voice in this process. Unfortunately, many Republican-led efforts have been made to limit your right to vote, making it all the more crucial to ensure your voice is heard. Check your voter registration, confirm your polling place, and make a plan to vote. It is not just a civic duty—it’s your most powerful tool in our ongoing fight for a just and equitable society.

Moxie Press

Check out the Moxie Press Author Spotlight Archives — a collection of fiction and non-fiction short stories, excerpts, and poetry from a diverse range of authors with progressive voices.

Want to submit your work for October’s Author Spotlight?